8. FAQ

8.1. Basic Questions

If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved for a long time

If you encounter problems that take a long time to resolve, please contact the relevant FAE for support. Also note that you should try to use the latest version of the toolchain for model conversion.

joint Basic model information
joint model basic information:
  • Model input DType of tensor defaults to UINT8 and Layout to NHWC.

  • Model output DType of tensor defaults to FLOAT32, Layout is NCHW.

  • ColorSpace: defaults to TENSOR_COLOR_SPACE_AUTO, which can be automatically recognized based on the model input channel number
    • 3-channel: BGR

    • 1-channel: GRAY

    • Other options: RGB, NV12, NV21, BGR0

If you need to change the VNPU settings, you need to recompile, but you can't change the VNPU settings directly through the existing joint

It is not technically possible to change the vnpu settings directly from the joint model, because:

  1. the toolchain needs to compile the model based on the input configuration information during compilation, and compilation is to gradually turn the initial model into binary instruction code, which requires a lot of raw information of the model

  2. compilation is a continuous lowering process, which will lose information, and the compiled binary instruction code cannot recover the original model information.

  3. besides, different vnpu configurations will use different hardware resources and compile different optimal binary models

In summary, if you need to modify the vnpu model, you need to do the conversion again.

Detection model has OutOfMemory(OOM) error during conversion, how to solve it

If the output layout of the detection model is NCHW, the error OOM will appear, which is This is because NPU outputs layout as NHWC by default, and the featuremap output by the detection model is larger, The transpose output of the model is large, so it is easy to crowd the memory when directly transpose. Therefore, you need to specify the output layout when detecting the model transformation:

pulsar build --input xxx.onnx --config xxx.prototxt --output xxx.joint --output_tensor_layout nhwc
How to check NPU utilization rate

ssh After logging into the board, use the following code to view it:

$ cd /proc/ax_npu
$ echo 1 > enable
# Echo 1 > /proc/ax_proc/ax_npu/enable
$ cat top_period_ms
What is the difference between --config and --output_config for pulsar build

--config is a user-friendly prototxt that provides a variety of syntactic sugar to simplify configuration

--output_config expands all syntax sugars and saves them as toolchain-friendly configuration files

At this stage, the pulsar run emulation function requires the use of --output_config generated configuration files

The simulated fps output in pulsar build differs significantly from the measured fps on the board.

There are two general reasons for the discrepancy, which are model specific

  • neu fps is larger because the DDR on the board is not limited, while the pulsar simulation is strictly stuck on the DDR bandwidth

  • The smaller neu fps is due to the fact that in the Cycle Model of the Pulsar simulation, the small amount previously omitted (e.g., LUT configuration time) becomes non-negligible in some cases.

How to configure multiple Batches in Prototxt

The following configuration allows you to set the target batch_size value independently.

# Path to configuration file parameters: pulsar_conf
pulsar_conf {
  batch_size: 2 # Set the batch size to 2 for compiling model inference
How to configure dynamic Batch in Prototxt

Dynamic Batch can be implemented by the following configuration.

# Configuration file parameter path: pulsar_conf
pulsar_conf {
  batch_size_option: BSO_DYNAMIC # The compiled model supports dynamic batch
  batch_size: 1 # Commonly used for practical inference batch_size
  batch_size: 2 # Commonly used for practical inference batch_size
  batch_size: 4 # The maximum batch_size is 4

For a more detailed description, see pulsar_conf.

onnx model input is RGB, expect the joint model to be converted to RGB input as well, how should this work?

Configure it in the configuration file as follows:

dst_input_tensors {
Can the transferred .joint model run on the board like the previous .neu model?

.joint can run on the board just like .neu. In fact, the .joint model is the current mainstream on-board model format and the .neu model is the old format, Pulsar can convert the .neu model to the .joint model

Can PTQ run GPUs?

The toolchain itself supports it, but docker itself doesn’t use the nvidia base image for size reasons

dataset_output_type defaults to BGR, does it mean that the input to the model is in BGR format when using the image correction from the dataset. If so, should the mean and std in config.prototxt also be set in BGR order?

Yes, they need to be configured in that order. The dataset_output_type value is BGR which means that the calibration images are read in BGR format at compile time, so mean/std has to be set in BGR order as well.

How to configure the Q value in config.prototxt

This can be done with the following configuration.

dst_output_tensors {
  data_type: INT16
Is the Q value int16?

Q values are not exactly int16. The Q value types can be matched, see data_type type for details.

How to calculate CPU subgraph time for Q values

The Q value does not have a CPU subgraph, but the /Q arithmetic operation is left to the client’s post-processing code

The Q value still has to be connected to the CPU to do the division, which doesn't save time

Yes, you have to connect to the CPU, but the /Q operation can be coupled with other operations, and in most cases it is almost free

For example, if you need to divide after the detection post-processing step NMS, then Divisor*Q is sufficient

The detection network alone does a large tensor multiplication, which may take NPU several times as long, and NMS after a small computation

what is the Q-value interface for the transfer model

directly upboard execution run_joint model.joint, which will be printed in the log

The C++ interface in the joint sdk also has nQuantizationValue.

Does the toolchain and hardware support sparse acceleration?

Structured sparsity and low bit-width are supported, unstructured sparsity is not supported by hardware.

8.2. View the Inference Report report

According to inference_report can:

  • Analyze inference bottlenecks: CONV, DDR, DMA, arithmetic

  • Count the sources of arithmetic power loss

  • Evaluate the space for continued optimization

  • Analyze the direction of speed optimization

After the pulsar build command is run, an inference_report folder is saved in the current working directory,

  • This folder contains one or more part_x.lava folders (where x represents the number, starting from 0),

  • Each part_x.lava folder contains an inference_report.log file,

  • For small models there is usually only one part_0.lava folder and one inference_report.log,

  • When the model is too large, it is split into multiple sub-models and executed sequentially, so that there are multiple part_0.lava folders.

In this case, the tot_cyc of this model is the sum of the tot_cyc of these individual submodels, and the DDR The total_io_data_size is the sum of the total_io_data_size of these individual submodels.

# Smaller model, contains only the part_0.lava folder  DEMO cd inference_report
➜  inference_report tree -L 2
└── part_0.lava
    ├── inference_report.log
    ├── subgraph_0
    ├── subgraph_1
    ├── subgraph_2
    ├── subgraph_3
    ├── subgraph_4
    └── subgraph_5

7 directories, 1 file

View inference_report.log , the example is as follows:


inference_report.log contains some custom terms, some of which are explained below Nomenclature

  • ld, i.e. read from DDR, write to OCM

  • st, read from OCM, write to DDR

  • mv, read from OCM, write to OCM

The role of inference_report.log is illustrated by a typical example, as in the following case:


In the non-virtual NPU condition, as shown in the figure (blue box above), three types of EU are involved in model inference, namely conv-2cores, teng and stream, and the table counts the cycle percentage, physically meaning the cycle actually run for each type of EU divided by the total cycle actually spent on model inference. This ratio provides a visual representation of how busy EU is, For example, the ratio of teng in the figure reaches 98%, which is almost at full capacity.

teng and stream have the ability to read and write data on DDR. A detailed breakdown of the proportion of each type of task is shown in the profile stream EU, The values of ld_ratio/ld_param_ratio/st_ratio (red box above) reflect the time and percentage of DDR read/write tasks performed by the corresponding EU, which can be used to analyze the DDR bandwidth pressure.


In general, the following conditions reflect the speed bottleneck of the model for a given DDR_BW case:

  • The ratio of teng/stream is higher and significantly higher than the ratio of other EU

  • ld_ratio/ld_param_ratio/st_ratio is higher in teng/stream

Conversely, the following condition reflects that the speed bottleneck of the model is the computational power:

  • The ratio of conv is higher than the ratio of the other EU``s, and significantly higher than the ``ratio of the other EU.

More specifically, the ratio of the model teng is 98%, which is significantly higher than the conv’s 39.0%; The DDR read-write task in teng is 87.1% + 0.4% = 87.5% of the time, which accounts for the majority of the EU work time, so the speed bottleneck of this model is considered to be the DDR bandwidth.


For the virtual NPU111, there are only two EU``s, ``conv-1core/teng, which are counted in the same way as the non-virtual NPU.